"Cultural Fest" Ankuran.
The annual festival Srujan 2024 organized by the campus was successfully concluded with colorful programs. In this program organized on the glory story of Swami Vivekananda ji, the thoughts of Swami Vivekananda and his great contribution in taking Indian culture and Vedanta philosophy to the world stage were staged.
Inaugural ceremony and keynote address
In the program, the dignitaries inaugurated the program by lighting the lamp on the Tulsi altar amidst chanting of mantras. In this program, renowned folk singer Smt. Urmila Srivastava ji, honored with Padma Shri Award, was present as the chief guest. On this auspicious occasion, honorary guests were honored for their special achievements in life. During the program, the chief guest Mrs. Urmila Shrivastava said that - Arts are an essential element of education, like reading, writing and arithmetic... Music, dance, painting and theatre are all keys that open the door to deeper human understanding and achievement. Every child has some talent hidden in him. Every child can be a champion in some field or the other. It is the responsibility of the school and parents to provide the champion in their children an opportunity to grow. Be it sports or life, no one ever loses, he either wins or learns. Failure is a challenge, we should accept it and keep making necessary improvements. Until we succeed. In his presidential address, Jaipuria Schools Banaras Chairman Mr. Deepak Kumar Bajaj said that by participating in such cultural programs, children's talents are enhanced and Jaipuria School is always ready for the all-round development of children. On this occasion, Managing Director Mr. Manoj Kumar Bajaj said that India is a land of Gods and a great land where in every era, great men have been born in some form or the other. Great thinkers, great saints, incarnations, scientists, mathematicians, experts in physics - chemistry - economics, Vastushastra etc. keep taking birth in many forms on India from time to time to guide mankind. And one such great man of the age was Vivekananda ji who guides us even today. Along with this, Executive Director Shyam Sundar Bajaj also expressed his views and Padav Campus Principal Mr. Ashish Saxena presented his annual report. Main Honors
On the occasion of the annual function, special teachers, students and fourth class employees were also awarded for their remarkable contribution throughout the year. In which mainly the students who performed excellently in the tenth class board examination, first runner up under fourteen girls team in the national by giving a wonderful performance in CBSE cluster and national sports competition and second runner up in athletics Devansh Pratap Singh etc. were honored. - Whereas among the teachers, Lata Pandey from the middle wing and Shivangi Soni from the senior wing were honored as the best teacher and Tabassum Kahkashan was honored with the Ardent Reader Award and Abhishek Basak was honored with the Conjurer Award. And among the admin staff, the Perfect Executor Award was given to Rakesh Sharma, Perfect Task Master Award was given to Mangal Pandey, Most Delightful Award was given to Prince Rai and the honor of 100% attendance was given to Krishnamohan ji. In the same sequence, among the fourth class employees, drivers, conductors and peons were also honored for the commendable work done by them.
Cultural Program
The program started with Shiv Stuti. Thereafter, the Sutradhar explained in detail about the history of the unprecedented contribution of India's great philosopher, sanyasi, and a great speaker Swami Vivekananda ji. Then the children, starting from Vivekananda ji's childhood, narrated every phase of his life such as his education, initiation by Ramakrishna Paramhansa, Swami Vivekananda's spiritual journey, Vivekananda ji making the world aware of spiritual knowledge, the young sanyasi touching the hearts of the youth with his speech during his Chicago visit and the scenes till the last stage of his life at Belur Math were staged by stringing them together. Along with this, connecting all the scenes together, Kali Maa Stuti dance, Mere Dil Mein Rahti Hai Bholi Bhali Meri Maa, Hai Pita Jab Tera, Vivekananda classical dance, cultural dance and motivational group dance were decorated with music and the entire dance drama was staged in a wonderful way. More than 1500 children, parents and guests participated in the program with great enthusiasm. On this occasion, the entire campus was beautifully decorated. The parents were overwhelmed to see their children giving a beautiful performance on the huge stage.
Main presence
During the program, the chief guest was Padma Shri awardee Mrs. Urmila Shrivastava, school's president Mr. Deepak Bajaj, vice president Mr. Sanjay Agarwal, managing director Mr. Manoj Bajaj, executive director Mr. Shyamsundar Bajaj, director Anil Jajodia, Anil Singh, Siddhant Sachideva, Gaurav Agarwal, Ayushman Bajaj, Gaurang Bajaj, Jaipuria Group Schools' operations vice president Mr. Shiv Pandey, Babatpur principal Sudha Singh, principal Mr. Ashish Saxena, all the teachers, parents and children were present with dignity. The entire script and dance song training was given by the teachers of the school itself.
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